Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My First visit to the Indo-Pak border at RS pura in J&K.

My the name INDO-PAK Border ,might excite some people & some others will bore a feeling of fear at heart..... This is my story , which might portray a different perspective about the place & others can make their visit & experience the pride of being there once in their lifetime.
     RS pura ,well known as Ranbirsingh pura is a area well known world wide for its Basmati rice yield is some 7/8Kms drive away from Jammu (satwari) airport on the opposite direction of the city limit.
   It was a winter sunday afternoon ,that I & my husband ,after fnishing our lunch was wondering what to all markets & recreational places are closed in Jammu city on Sundays & we were feeling very bored. I logged onto the net ,but couldn't find much info. about RS pura... soon, I came across a blog posted by DC of RS pura about some wetlands in the area ,were Migratory birds makes it home for the winter season. I soon got that idea,to see the migratory birds & if possible will see the borders,as earlier our friends told that its 10kms from Jammu city....
     We started our drive around 2:30pm ...though not very well maintained but okay driving thru'  the Siakot road upto the crossing of SUCHETGARH & ABDULIAN. I just missed the direction of Suchetgarh & drove off towards Abdulian village ,the last on  Indian soil. The villages were so-o serene..I just loved the drive, But unfortunately couldn't find migratory birds as they come only in Jan-Feb months ( as informed by BSF people)... Then we turned back towards SUCHETGARH.... By the time we reached there, we found its not 10ms from Jammu city instead 37kms to be precise. SUCHETGARH post is now open for public but No display of parade takes place like Wagha border.Once at the post, the BSF people asked my husband to deposit his Army ID card & give his mobile nos..... need to sign on the entry register & only mobiles are allowed inside. We walked in & then the big border gates to be crossed inside in few batches each time....I was so-o excited, that's the PAK-soil, so-o near but still far off..... we were allowed to walk up to the knee height bobbed wire limit...another 50 mts there a bar(like railway phatak) & then the Pakistani post. There's a Banyan tree ,which seems to be a common property of both the countries.... I felt, so much pride to be standing there & salute my motherland INDIA & the brave soldiers who had been guiding there Day & Night to give each of the citizens a good night sleep. Maybe ,I cannot express my feeling in words ,while I stood there ....except only can say, I WAS SO-O Proud to be an INDIAN standing there & offcourse, lucky to get a chance to be there.....
 Suchetgarh post..................the line of divide between two beautiful country.
 Myself, at Suchetgarh post ,in RS pura in J&K.
 The Banyan tree...... a common property of both India & Pakistan.
 The Sialkot road ..........................................From Jammu city to RS pura.
 The Basmati fields of RS pura......................J&K.
While on our return back, we stopped at a mills to carry along a big bag of 10kg basmati rice...its also available in larger quantity,but since we just wanted to get a taste of it...Its quite less priced & too good variety....
Just had a lovely experience of RS pura.... & hope to get there once the migratory birds flies in;Definitely ,I'll recommend SUCHETGARH visit, to all ,who might be visiting JAMMU city to make their way to Vaishnodevi temple.... Pls. dear friends ,Do come down to RSpura-Suchetgarh to experience the pride to be an INDIAN at heart & salute ur respect to all those soldiers guarding our motherland at such hostile condition...... Roads are just safe & nothing to fear about...... Just enjoy the thrill of going round Jammu & Kashmir.


  1. Hi Juhi,
    Nice write-up and pics. Just a small correction... its Octrai post, not Suchetgarh. I too went there in Feb'13 and visited both BSF posts.

    1. yes I know....Suchetgrah is the name of the area....Didn't wish to give full details ,as its security issues involved....Those who had been to the area might recognize ; I had no intention except to convey to everyone the beauty of the region.

  2. Hi,i am frim pakistan... N lives near suchetgahar border, in a village. Seen you pic.. Really both side are same. Wow

  3. Hello, I am a student at University of Waterloo in Canada and would love to use these images as a part of thesis. All credits will be given to you and use will be for non-commecial purposes.

  4. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are incredibly welcoming. The journey is made even more memorable by their generosity and compassion.
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